
- The Perfect Storm - Movie
- Out of Gloucester
- Down to the Sea
- Nova Scotia, Canada
- Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS
- Nova Scotia Travel Guide
- Virtual Nova Scotia
- Annapolis Valley, NS
- "Cape Breton Post"
- "The Herald"
- Titanic and Halifax, NS
- Nova Scotia Provincial
Scottish Culture and Heritage in Nova Scotia
- Chebucto Community Net
- St. Francis Xavier University
- Outdoor Nova Scotia
- Nova Scotia Genweb Project
- Travel.Org - Nova Scotia
- Cyndi's List - Nova
- Trans Canada Trail - Nova Scotia
- St. Mary's University, Halifax, NS
- George Rose Homepage - French
Acadians and Scots
- Lobster Direct
- Hessian Soldiers
of the Revolution
About Genealogy - The Family Tree and Genealogy Research Guide
Cape Ann Vacations - Gloucester
- Welcome
to Gloucester, MA
Massachusetts Office of Travel and Tourism - Home
Gloucester Massachusetts Resource Guide, City of Gloucester, Massachusetts
Facts and Information
- Weather Behind "The
Perfect Storm"
Swordfish Fisheries