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You might enjoy looking through the family photographs.


Angie, Ray & Peter Strople, children of Raymond Holmes Strople, Sr. and Julia Hammatt Bowles

Raymond Holmes Strople, Senior

From Gerald Strople McMahon: "When I talked with Elinor Egre in August, she confirmed the identity of the children. She is the little girl in front. Elinor was born in August 1911 so the picture must have been taken in 1913 or 1914. She said the picture was taken in front of Catherine Alice Strople's home in Mansfield. We don't know of any special occasion for the picture. All the children were living in Mansfield at the time."

The children and their birth years are:

Ella Strople 1903, Esther Strople 1903, Gladys 1905, Constance Graham 1906, Raymond 1907, Elinor Graham 1911

"Other than the two children in front, I don't know which is which. Esther is my Uncle Preston's daughter. After her mother's death, she lived with my grandparents in Mansfield."

Ann MacDonald Strople

Henry George Strople

Henry George Family

Preston Strople's Children circa 1961

left to right: Bill Bowers, Esther Strople Bowers, Gordon Strople, Hazel Strople and Herbert Preston Strople

Old Bill

One of the horses on Ray and Julia's farm circa 1946.

Peter, Raymond, and Angie Strople with the family cat.